Significant Applications of Biometrics


  • Ramya k Asst. Professor and Head, Department of Science and Humanities, Kingston Engineering College Katpadi, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
  • Suganya K Assoc. Professor, Department of Software Engineering & IT, A.V.C College of Engineering, Mannampandal, Mayiladuthurai, Tamil Nadu
  • Rethinavelsubramanan A Asst.Prof and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S.K.College of Engineering and Technology, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu




Biometric Technology and its applications have existed longer than people believe. Currently the number of applications instituted around the world is increasing. In 1996 approximately 10,000 biometric devices were in use worldwide. Some estimate the number will grow to 50,000 by year 2000. Bimetric vendors feel that time and attendance is the biggest growth area for biometrics in the near future. The applications in the biometric technology are limitless. Four to five years ago biometric technology will still considered too „fictional‟ for many.



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How to Cite

Ramya, K., Suganya, K., & Rethinavelsubramanan, A. (2024). Significant Applications of Biometrics. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 3(02), 566–571. Retrieved from



Review Article