Selection of Trusted Nodes in MANET by using Analytic Network Process
Trust, routing, analytic network process, MANET, securityAbstract
MANET is a set of limited range wireless nodes that function in a cooperative manner so as to increase the overall range of the network. The performance of ad hoc networks depends on the cooperative and trust nature of the distributed nodes. To enhance security in ad hoc networks, it is important to evaluate the trustworthiness of other nodes without centralized authorities. In this paper, a novel dynamic trust quantization model with multiple decision factors based on Analytic Network Process (ANP) decision theory is proposed. The multiple decision factors include direct trust, recommendation based trust, active degree, similarity degree and packet forwarding ratio. These multiple trust factors are incorporated to reflect trust relationship's complexity and uncertainty. Based on the trust factors, the selection of the trusted nodes is obtained by using Analytic Network Process. An information theoretic framework which uses ANP is presented in this paper. ANP is used for making trust decisions which replaces the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) already used in the literature. The AHP reduces a multidimensional problem into a one dimensional one. Decisions are determined by a single number for the best outcome or by a vector of priorities that gives an ordering of the different possible outcomes. The selected nodes obtained by using the ANP decision theorem eliminate the malicious nodes and helps to protect the network from any internal attacks Trust
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