Layer Partition-based Matching Algorithm of DDM based on Dimension
HLA, DDM, Region-based Algorithm, Grid-based Algorithm, Sort-based Algorithm, Binary Partition-based Algorithm, Layer Partition-based AlgorithmAbstract
High Level Architecture (HLA) is architecture for reuse and interoperation of simulations. In HLA paradigm, the Runtime Infrastructure (RTI) provides a set of services. Data Distribution Management (DDM) service reduces message traffic over the network. DDM aims to control and limit the data exchanged between federates during federation. Each federate may inform the RTI about its intention to publish some data or it may subscribe to receive a subset of th e published data. DDM services are used to reduce the transmission and receiving of irrelevant data and aimed at reducing the communication over the network. These services rely on the computation of the intersection between “update” and “subscription” reg ions. When calculating the intersection between update regions and subscription regions, the higher computation overhead can occur. Currently, there are several main DDM filtering algorithms. This paper compares the performance of the layer partition -based matching algorithm based on the result of previous calculated dimension. The algorithm chooses the dynamic pivot based on regions distribution in the routing space. The proposed algorithm firstly calculates the regions distribution. Then, the partitioning among regions performs based on the result of choosing pivot based on region detection and defines the matching area that entirely covers all regions which need to match with regions at pivot point. The proposed algorithm provides the mo re definite matching area between update region and subscription region during matching process. This algorithm firstly calculates the X-dimension for matching result. Then modify the input region of Y-dimension based on the matching result of the previous dimension. The proposed algorithm is more efficient most of overlapping degree but sometime the proposed algorithm has more execution time than the original layer partition-based algorithm.
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