An Improved Technique for Identification and Classification of Brain Disorder from MRI Brain Image
Abnormality detection, Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrices, Image Segmentation, Particle Spam Optimization, Support Vector MachineAbstract
Medical image processing is developing recently due to its wide applications. An efficient MRI image segmentation is needed at present. In this paper, MRI brain segmentation is done by Semi supervised learning which does not require pathology modelling and, thus, allows high degree of automation. In abnormality detection, a vector is characterized as anomalous if it does not comply with the probability distribution obtained from normal data. The estimation of the probability density function, however, is usually not feasible due to large data dimensionality. In order to overcome this challenge, we treat every image as a network of locally coherent image partitions (overlapping blocks). We formulate and maximize a strictly concave likelihood function estimating abnormality for each partition and fuse the local estimates into a globally optimal estimate that satisfies the consistency constraints, based on a distributed estimation algorithm. After this features are extracted by Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM) algorithm and those features are given to Particle Spam Optimization (PSO) and finally classification is done by using Library Support Vector Machine (LIBSVM). Thus results are evaluated and proved its efficiency using accuracy.
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