A Literature Survey on test case prioritization
test case, prioritization, APFDAbstract
Testing, Analyzing, and Debugging all together are very critical and influential activities for controlling the quality of a software product and it accounts over 50% of the costs associated with the development of whole software systems. Development organizations desire to thoroughly test the software, but exhaustive testing is not possible. Test case prioritization techniques schedule the test cases for execution in an order based on some specific criteria so that the tests with better fault detection capability are executed at an early position. A variety of objective functions are applicable like rate of fault detection, cost involved in testing process, on the basis of users requirement etc. We present the work done in the field of test case prioritization which shows that the latest techniques can be implemented in testing to make the testing more effective and more efficient.
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Paolo Tonella, Paolo Avesani, Angelo Susi, “Using the Case-Based Ranking Methodology for Test Case Prioritization” 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'06)
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