Firewall policy anomaly detection and resolution
Anomaly management, Firewall, policy firewall logAbstract
Security of all private networks in businesses and institutions is achieved by firewall. Firewall provides protection by the quality of policy configured. Lack of Systematic analysis mechanism and Tools, Complex firewall configuration makes designing and managing firewall policies difficult. With help of segmentation rule, anomaly management framework is designed for accurate detection and effective resolution of anomalies. Using this technique, packets of network can be divided into set of disjoint packet space segments. Every segment is associated with unique set of firewall rules which specify an overlap relation among all firewall rules which could be conflicting or redundant. Flexible conflict resolution method is provided which has many resolution strategies for risk assessment of protected networks and its policy definition. Firewall logs are maintained by using association rule mining on these logs to find frequent logs, which in turned filtered to find malicious packets. Apriori algorithm is used to find frequent element from above logs. In each round, it computes the support for all candidate-item-sets. Candidate-item-sets with frequency above the minimum support parameter are selected at the end of each round; these frequent item-sets of round are used in the next round to construct candidate -item-sets. The algorithm halts when item-sets with desired frequency not found.
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