Role of Data mining in Insurance Industry


  • Umamaheswari K Research scholar, Dept of Computer Science Bharathiar university, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
  • Janakiraman S Assistant Professor, Dept of Banking technology, Pondicherry university, Pondicherry, India


Applications, benefits, CRM, Data mining, Insurance industry


In the global era, Insurance systems rapidly a lot of tremendous development in our society. Due to the increased stress in day-to-day life, the growth of demand of insurance increased. Data mining helps insurance firms to discovery useful patterns from the customer database. The purpose of the paper aims to present how data mining is useful in the insurance industry, how its techniques produce good results in insurance sector and how data mining enhance in decision making using insurance data. The conceptual paper is written based on secondary study, observation from various journals, magazines and reports.


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How to Cite

Umamaheswari, K., & Janakiraman, S. (2024). Role of Data mining in Insurance Industry. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 3(06), 961–966. Retrieved from



Original Research Article