Selective Forwarding Scheme for V2V Communications


  • Krishnan SM Deparment of Computer Science and Engineering, M.Tech Student, Pondicherry Engineering College
  • Anandhi A Assistant Professor, Christ College of Engineering and Technology Pondicherry, India


Location dependent, Multicasting, VANET, Vehicular safety – oriented applications, V2V communications


Wireless communication between vehicles, known as Vehicular Ad hoc NETworking (VANET), will allow providing drivers with information to increase safety, efficiency and comfort in road travel. A number of safety applications require communications to a group of vehicles and not just pair-wise communications as supported by unicast protocols. Thus for V2V communications, multicast or broadcast schemes may be more applicable than unicast protocols. In safety -oriented applications, providing a driver with advance warning for an accident occurring at some distant ahead has been an ongoing major research goal. InVANETs, broadcast-basedpacket forwarding is usually preferred in order to propagateurgent traffic related information to all reachable nodes within acertain dangerous region. In multicasting technologies, in this paper we discuss with the Location dependent multicast membership. In a multicast group is specified by a particular area of region called a multicast region, and vehicles within the multicast region automatically become members of the multicast group. LBM uses information about a multicast region as destination information for multicast packets instead of information about positions of all individual destinations as used in PBM. Thus, in LBM, forwarding nodes are selected based on the position of a source and the coordinates of the multicast region. This type of networks will allow the reduction of the number of deaths due to car accidents, and the provision of real-time information on traffic and on roads.


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How to Cite

Krishnan, S., & Anandhi, A. (2024). Selective Forwarding Scheme for V2V Communications. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 3(06), 985–993. Retrieved from



Original Research Article