Measurement, analysis and data collection in the programming LabVIEW


  • Koprda S Department of Informatics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia
  • Balogh Z Department of Informatics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia


LabVIEW, processor, monitoring


The work deals with handling of systems modelling, simulation knowledge and the processor and particular processor core overload issue. Programming environment LabVIEW was designed for this field of measuring, analysis and data acquisition. It is a highly productive development environment that engineers and scientists use for graphical programming and unprecedented hardware integration. The environment is predominantly designed to simulation, managing and parameter and other factor measuring. By this graphical program we are able to analyses and consequently display the results on the output interconnection. The environment LabVIEW is applied to the computer processor overload issue in this work. The result is direct technological virtual instrumentation of overload representation in the real time. Finally this instrumentation is more simple, transparent and especially more effective than a foregoing hardware solutions. By the block diagram design it is possible to monitor the processor and its core overload. Consequently these measurements are recorded into the text file and display writer in the percentage value in certain time interval.


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How to Cite

Koprda, S., & Balogh, Z. (2024). Measurement, analysis and data collection in the programming LabVIEW. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 3(12), 1402–1406. Retrieved from



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