Private Mobile Search Engine Using Various Locations
Clickthrough data, abstraction, location search, mobile search engine, ontology, user profilingAbstract
Mobile search engine is a meta search engine that imprisonments the user’s favorite in the form of concepts by mining their clickthrough data. It excerpts the importance of location information in mobile search and categorizes these concepts into content concepts and location concepts. By positioning by GPS, user’s locations are used to addition the location concepts in search engine. The user favorites are organized in ontology based, multi facet user profiles, which are used to familiarize a Personalizing ranking function for rank revision of search results. Mobile Search Engine typifies the diversity of the concepts related with a query and their significance’s to the user’s need. It associated with four entropies are presented to balance the weights amid the content and location facets. Based on the client-server model, it contains a detailed architecture and design for operation. In this design, the client gathers and stores locally the click through data to protect confidentiality. It discourses the privacy issue by restricting the information in the user profile exposed to the server with two privacy parameters are min Distance and expRatio. It prototypes search engine on the Google Android platform. It is an innovative approach for personalizing web search results. By mining content and location concepts for user profiling, it utilizes both the content and location preferences to personalize search results for a user. Mobile Search Engine incorporates a user’s physical locations in the personalization process. It is using a GPS location helps to improve retrieval effectiveness for location queries.
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