Security Enhancement for Online Signature Template on Mobile Devices Using Partial Hadamard Transformation


  • kumar Y Sangrur Punjab


mcommerce, biometric, mcommercesecurity hadamard transformation


during our whole study we analyze that security is the main issue in Mcommerce and there are various methods by using which we can enhance the security. We learned that authentication plays an important role in security and we also learned that biometric authentication is the best way to authentication due to its uniqueness. So the security of biometric template is much more important because if anyone compromise with it then we loss it forever. In This paper we define a non invertible partial hadamard transformation which we have used to enhance the security of online signature verification process. The proposed methodology which we have used enhances the security and maintains the accuracy of the system. And we achieved two main things Diversity and revocability which are security factor used in security enhancement. So the security of biometric template is much more important because if anyone compromise with it then we loss it forever. There are mainly two important methods by which we can provide security to biometric template. These are biometric cryptosystem and cancellable metrics (transformation). The main advantage of partial hadamard is low computational cost because instead of multiplication it uses addition and subtraction. The main purpose is to enhance the security of online signature template by making it non invertible so that no one can compromise it.


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How to Cite

KUMAR, Y. (2024). Security Enhancement for Online Signature Template on Mobile Devices Using Partial Hadamard Transformation. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 5(01), 2057–2062. Retrieved from



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