Performance and cost evaluation of an adaptive encryption architecture for cloud databases
Database as a Service(DBaaS), adaptive encryption scheme, Top Down Integration, Bottom Up Integration, Adaptive encryption, Metadata structure, Encrypted database managementAbstract
The cloud computing paradigm is successfully converging as the fifth utility, but this positive trend is partially limited by concerns about information confidentiality and unclear costs over a medium-long term. We are interested in the Database as a Service paradigm (DBaaS) that poses several research challenges in terms of security and cost evaluation from a tenant‟s point of view. Most results concerning encryption for cloud-based services are inapplicable to the database paradigm. Other encryption schemes, which allow the execution of SQL operations over encrypted data, either suffer from performance limits or they require the choice of which encryption scheme must be adopted for each database column and SQL operations. These latter proposals are fine when the set of queries can be statically determined at design time, while in this paper we are interested to other common scenarios where the workload may change after the database design. In this system, we propose a novel architecture for adaptive encryption of public cloud databases that offers a proxy-free alternative to the system proposed in. The proposed architecture guarantees in an adaptive way the best level of data confidentiality for any database workload, even when the set of SQL queries dynamically changes. The adaptive encryption scheme, which was initially proposed for applications not referring to the cloud, encrypts each plain column into multiple encrypted columns, and each value is encapsulated into different layers of encryption, so that the outer layers guarantee higher confidentiality but support fewer computation capabilities with respect to the inner layers. The outer layers are dynamically adapted at runtime when new SQL operations are added to the workload.
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