WT and ANN based smart fault location for interconnected power transmission grids
Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Wavelet Transform (WT)Abstract
Transmission lines which carries bulk amount of power from generating units to the end users are more prone to fault, since they exposed to atmosphere. Thus the protections of transmission lines are vital in maintaining the continuity in services, and to reduce its impact on rest of the power system. Locating the fault in an interconnected power system is necessary to ensure good selectivity in the protection scheme. This paper proposes a smart approach for locating the fault in interconnected power transmission grids with the help of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and artificial neural network (ANN), the combined use of WT and ANN ensures an adaptive and accurate scheme for locating the fault. The proposed algorithm is analyzed and validated on a nine bus system using MATLAB/Simulink software.
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