Green COMP based energy efficient data aggregation algorithm with malicious node identification (GEED-M) for lifetime improvement in WSN
Data aggregation, Green-CoMP, Malicious node, Built-in self-test, LifetimeAbstract
Random deployment of sensor nodes, energy limitations, interference of wireless links, and exposed nodes, are the major reasons of performance degradation in WSN. Energy efficiency, Lifetime improvements are the key research areas from last few decades. Even a high level of research is going on; still there are several issues which reduce the network lifetime and its throughput. For diminishing the energy consumption, the sensor nodes are driven into sleep mode once they finished their sensing round. Introducing mobile nodes in sub clusters is an efficient technique to make the network energy efficient in irregular terrains like plateaus. The energy limitations of mobile nodes, and malicious behaviour are big issues in mobile node based sub clustered sensor networks. These issues can be clear up by introducing a Green CoMP based energy efficient data aggregation algorithm with malicious node identification is proposed, which exchange messages to the cluster head through a mobile node. Malicious behaviour of mobile node is also identified by using Built-in self-Test based technique to improve network throughput. The proposed algorithm gives better results compared with existing algorithms with a lifetime improvement of 56%, energy consumption 44%.
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