Design and implementation of elctronic voting system using finger print and zig-bee


  • CHAITANYA K P.G Student, Dept of ECE, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, AP-India,
  • KHADAR BABA MA Professor in ECE, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, AP-India.


zigbee, Fingerprint, Keypad, LCD, ARM7LPC2148


Now-a-days voting process is exercised by using EVM (Electronic voting Machine). The very common problem, rigging which can be faced in every electoral procedure. One candidate can cast the vote of all members or of some other members in electoral list illegally. This results in the loss of votes for other contestants. There is some scope of work in EVM, because there is no way of identification by EVM whether the user is authentic or not. To replace this system, a novel approach is introduced i.e.., EVM added with a finger print verifier. By this way, a single person can vote only once and also bogus voting is eliminated since it is impossible to replicate the finger print of a person. In this paper, Zig-Bee technology is used for wireless sensor data communication. The results will be updated in Master device i.e. (personal computer) through Zig-Bee. The Master device is operated by election officer.


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How to Cite

CHAITANYA, K., & KHADAR BABA, M. (2024). Design and implementation of elctronic voting system using finger print and zig-bee. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 2(09), 291–295. Retrieved from



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