Novel hybrid three sigma (3∑w.i.s.d.o.m) approach: deep multimodal fusion for smart city applications toward wisdom


  • FATHI F Fadwa FATHI RITM, Research Lab ESTC Hassan II University Casablanca, Morocco
  • OUZZIF M Mohammed OUZZIF, RITM Research Lab ESTC Hassan II University Casablanca, Morocco
  • ABGHOUR N Norddine ABGHOUR, LIMSAD Research Lab Faculty of Sciences, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco


Big data, Deep learning, Deep Multimodal Fusion, intelligence, wisdom component


In big data era, data shows characters of large volume and velocity, especially variety that is also called heterogeneity, which is the generated datasets from various city domains. Recently, modeling heterogeneous data sources has gathered significant interest especially with the power of artificial intelligence. AI and big data, as it is the case with every tool, are used for good and bad whereas in reality we do not need just intelligence. We need wisdom to create a new powerful and complete image. Our concept is based on the inspiration from human being that every system is like a human being with five senses and the intuition or the sixth sense will be the result of the fusion of all other senses to pave the way to wisdom. In this paper we will showcase how diversity and heterogeneity are key to Fusion for better behaviour and Decision which is the area of the study of many domains like Healthcare, Self-driving cars, and smart Recruitment. Then, we will propose our novel hybrid three Sigma (3∑ w.i.s.d.o.m ) approach, Deep Multimodal Fusion for smart city applications toward wisdom.


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How to Cite

FATHI, F., OUZZIF, M., & ABGHOUR, N. (2024). Novel hybrid three sigma (3∑w.i.s.d.o.m) approach: deep multimodal fusion for smart city applications toward wisdom. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 9(06), 3714–3724. Retrieved from



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