Classification and feature selection in medical data preprocessing


  • Nishanov AK Professor, Information Technologies Software Department, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, DSc
  • Djuraev GP Independent Scientific Researcher, Information Technologies Center at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
  • Khasanova MA Assistant, Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy No. 2, Tashkent Medical Academy, Republic of Uzbekistan


Fisher criterion, feature selection, classification, algorithms for an estimate calculation, medical data preprocessing


In this article, the issues such as medical data preprocessing, reclassification of training sets and determining the importance of classes, forming reference tables were solved. As a result of data preprocessing, three objects were formed: 1) Ischemic heart disease. Unstable angina pectoris; 2) Ischemic heart disease. Acute myocardial infarction; 3) Ischemic heart disease. Arrhythmic form. Further, the issues such as classifying, selecting a set of informative features that differentiate between class objects were solved using Fisher criterion and algorithms for an estimated calculation as well as software programs for them were developed. As a result data preprocessing reference classes were formed. Objects that had fallen outside of their class during the formation process were excluded from the training set. A classification and a set of informative features were selected using established classes. Initially, three class objects each containing 62 features were provided by medical professionals and as a result data preprocessing three sets consisting of 131, 115, and 40 objects respectively in three classes were used to form a reference table.


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How to Cite

Nishanov, A. K., Djuraev, G. P., & Khasanova, M. A. (2024). Classification and feature selection in medical data preprocessing. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 9(06), 3725–3732. Retrieved from



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