Analysis of password protected document
password cracking, salt analysis, hash functions, cryptography, attacksAbstract
Nowadays, the documents are sent through electronics communications channels like email, WhatsApp, telegram etc., in which the document protection is of major concern. Passwords are used to encrypt the documents of different formats. In this research paper, we analyzed the encryption process involved in word documents (Procedure involved in document protection). We also discussed various password cracking possibilities and steps involved in the attacks including various password cracking tools for analysis of password for doc files and performed salt analysis on the same. We analyzed the randomness of the salt for the same key at different times, with different name and based on the size of the documents. We focused on John the Ripper (JtR) tool with single mode, word list, and incremental mode to reduce the file and memory complexity of brute force attack. We analyzed the randomness of the salt for the same key with same document with different time and the same documents with different name and size. We focused on John the Ripper (JtR) tool for reducing the file and memory complexity of brute force attacks. Also, we’ve discussed the performance analysis of password cracking based on CPU and GPUs with and without writing the dictionaries.
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