Information decision support: the use of calculation and analytical tools when making decisions in a group of companies
Group of companies, strategic decision making, subsidiaries and affiliates, balanced state, investment attractivenessAbstract
The authors previously proposed a model of a strategic decision-making system in groups of companies, which allowed to simultaneously integrate several important managerial functions and set clear criteria for the efficiency of future decisions, taking into account the data on the static and dynamic conditions of a subsidiary, as well as to predict the development of the group of companies aimed at long-term sustainable growth of its total value and business reputation. This model receives logical continuation and conditional completion in this article in the form of the so-called “triangle of subsidiaries and affiliates balancing” describing the three border states of organizations that are part of a large business structure. The actual state of the organization determined on the basis of a large set of quantitative measures always falls into different areas of the “triangle” field. This allows to accurately diagnose the current state of the organization and forecast its development in the future. As a result, new knowledge is formed in the support system for informed decisions in the group of companies.
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