Undergraduate student’s academic achievement and perceptions towards using flipped interactive learning in higher education


  • Almulla MA Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of King Faisal, Alahsa 31982, Saudi Arabia


Flipped Interactive Learning, Academic Achievement, Students‟ Perceptions, Higher Education, Teacher Education, structural equation modelling (SEM)


The aim of this research was to develop a new model and reduce the dissimilarities in the literature regarding the use of flipped interactive learning approach on undergraduate students‟ academic achievement as well as students' perceptions & its effects on their interactive learning. The recent years have seen a raise in the use of flipped interactive learning in higher education contexts as a way of improving the quality of teaching and interactive learning. For this, the empirical study has been done for lessons in a Teaching Strategies course in a pre-service teacher education programme at the University of Alahsa in Saudi Arabia. Lessons were flipped and the impact of such approach was measured using pretest and post-test results which were compared to those of a control group taught using the standard lecture style adopted at the institution. This research used a mixed-method approach for the data collection e.g. individual semi-structured interviews from 6 students, and 90 undergraduate trainee teachers who were randomly divided into two groups (pre-test and post-test) 30 students are using flipped interactive learning and 60 in the lecture style control group, quantitative structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed to analyse the results. The findings indicate that students in the experimental group achieved higher scores between pre-test and post-test than the control group. In addition, almost all participants in the experimental group expressed positive views towards the flipped interactive learning approach and preferred it to their previous experiences with the lecture style classroom. Most participants indicated that flipped interactive learning brought them academic advantages compared to the lecture style lesson, such as better understanding of the content, improved thinking skills and encouragement to be autonomous learners. Moreover, most students revealed that flipped interactive learning brought them social benefits, such as new interpersonal skills, increasing self-esteem, and increasing enjoyment in interactive learning. Quantitative results, a significant relationship was found between using flipped interactive learning, academic advantages, social advantages, and students‟ satisfaction. Therefore, the study indicates that using flipped interactive learning increasing achievement of students. We recommend that students using flipped interactive learning in pursuit of their educational goals. Educators should also be persuaded to incorporate using flipped interactive learning into their classes at higher education institutions.


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How to Cite

Almulla, M. A. (2024). Undergraduate student’s academic achievement and perceptions towards using flipped interactive learning in higher education. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 9(11), 3944–3952. Retrieved from https://ijact.in/index.php/j/article/view/603



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