
  • Park J Department of Computer Engineering, Hongik University, 94 Wowsanro, Mapo, Seoul, S. Korea


3D reconstruction, LiDAR camera calibration, coordinate transformation


In this paper, we propose a method to reduce errors in the method of finding the relationship between the LiDAR and the camera using trihedron. The core concept of the proposed technique is to use a trihedron with three intersecting planes that can be commonly recognized by the camera and LiDAR, eliminating the calculation of the coordinate system photographed using the camera. The coordinate system setting operation is performed only for the LiDAR sense data. By using the method of this paper, it is possible to reduce the calculation of the coordinate system using data fitting by camera, so that the error decreases. The result is presented through the experimental results.


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How to Cite

Park, J. (2021). REDUCING ERROR IN LIDAR-CAMERA CALIBRATION. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 10(00), 3973–3977. Retrieved from



Original Research Article