A Trivial and Dependable Faith Scheme for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks
Reputation, self-adaptivity, trust management, trust model, wireless sensor networkAbstract
Wireless Sensor networks (WSN) are a special type of wireless networks. The clustered wireless sensor networks are incapable of satisfying the resource efficiency and dependability of a trust system because of the high overhead and low dependability. A Lightweight and dependable trust system for wireless sensor networks are used to WSNs, which employees the Clustering Algorithm. A lightweight trust decision-making scheme is based on the nodes’ identities in the clustered WSNs, which is suitable for such WSNs because it facilitates energy-saving. Due to canceling feedback between cluster members and cluster heads, this approach can significantly improve system efficiency while reducing the effect of malicious nodes. The Cluster heads take on large amounts of data forwarding and communication tasks, a dependability -enhanced trust evaluating approach is defined for co-operations between CHs. This approach can effectively reduce the networking consumption and thus prevents malicious, selfish, and faulty Cluster heads. A self-adaptive weighted method is defined for trust aggregation at Cluster head level. Even though this enhances the energy efficiency and confirms the trustworthiness of nodes that participate in the communication. This approach surpasses the limitations of traditional weighting methods for trust factors, in which weights are assigned subjectively. LDTS uses the benefits of an energy-efficient, less memory and communication overhead in wireless sensor networks.
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