Trust level of Clouds by Scheduling
Cloud computing, TCCP, IaaSAbstract
Cloud computing is a virtual storage which is used to store the data and information in secure manner. This project which gives a trustworthy to the cloud user from Admin without knowing the infrastructure and its properties of cloud. Cloud scheduled safety-critical data processing needs are beginning to push back strongly against using cloud computing, users will find that cloud scheduling will be maintained by the user to store their data on the cloud to create trust them . We have overcome this problem; a trusted cloud computing platform (TCCP) proposed design. TCCP guarantees the implementation of the guest virtual machines to provide a closed box execution environment as a Service (IaaS) providers such as Amazon EC2 allowing infrastructure. To protect a data in a secured way, while cloud user uploading a data it will get encrypted which means non readable format and when cloud user downloading a data it will get decrypted.
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