A Survey on Graphical Programming Systems


  • Kulkarni G School of Computing Science and Engineering VIT University Vellore, Tamil Nadu
  • R Sathyaraj School of Computing Science and Engineering VIT University Vellore, Tamil Nadu


Graphical programming, Visual programming, Data-flow programming, End-user programming


Recently there has been an increasing interest in the use of graphics to help programming and understanding of computer systems. The Graphical Programming and Program Simulations are exciting areas of active computer science research that show the signs for improving the programming process. An array of different design methodologie s have arisen from research efforts and many graphical programming systems have been developed to address both general programming tasks and specific application areas such as physical simulation and user interface design. This paper presents a survey of t he field of graphical programming languages starting with a historical overview of some of pioneering efforts in the field. In addition this paper also presents different classifications of graphical programming languages.

Author Biography

Kulkarni G, School of Computing Science and Engineering VIT University Vellore, Tamil Nadu

Recently there has been an increasing interest in the use of graphics to help programming and understanding of computer systems. The Graphical Programming and Program Simulations are exciting areas of active computer science research that show the signs for improving the programming process. An array of different design methodologie s have arisen from research efforts and many graphical programming systems have been developed to address both general programming tasks and specific application areas such as physical simulation and user interface design. This paper presents a survey of t he field of graphical programming languages starting with a historical overview of some of pioneering efforts in the field. In addition this paper also presents different classifications of graphical programming languages.


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How to Cite

Kulkarni, G., & R, S. (2024). A Survey on Graphical Programming Systems. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 3(04), 709–713. Retrieved from https://ijact.in/index.php/j/article/view/127



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