Web Mining: Penning an Era of Information Age


  • Goel A Assistant Professor, Jagannath International Management School, GGS IP University, Delhi
  • Sahu D M. Tech, Ph. D (Resource Allocation and Scheduling Models in Mobile Grid Computing)
  • Singh NK M.C.A (Master in Computer Applications)


Information Age, Evolution, Challenges, Web Spider, Web Bag, Virtual Society, Semantic Web, Cloud Computing


Today's age is rightly pronounced as "Information Age" which stands on the edifice of Information Technology and is operated by the Internet through the concept of web mining and is maintained & evolved through the high-speed technology of cloud computing. In short, if we try to summarize the situation, we would find that web mining concept has fuelled the entire process. This paper is an attempt to put light on the aspect of how web mining has penned the information age by contributing in large to the information technology.


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How to Cite

Goel, A., Sahu, D., & Singh, M. K. (2024). Web Mining: Penning an Era of Information Age. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 3(04), 717–722. Retrieved from https://ijact.in/index.php/j/article/view/129



Review Article