A process to improve the accuracy of voice recognition system by using word correction system
Algorithm, Speech, windows speech recognition devicesAbstract
Recently, computer speech recognition is used to solve problems and any plan based task, predictable features of the user's behaviour may be inferred and used to aid the recognition of the speech input. The MINDS system generates expectations of what will be said next and uses them to assist speech recognition. Since a user does not always conform to system expectations, MINDS handles violated expectations. We use a common knowledge to enable the speech system to give priority to recognizing what a user is most likely to say. Each time the words spoken by speaker will display in the computer which is generated by the speech recognizer. In it words correction system has been implemented. With the help of words correction system, speaker can correct the word manually through keyboard, if the word produced by the voice recogniser is not similar as the speaker dictates to the computer. The word correction system is used to correct misrecognised words. This system will bring cent percent accuracy in voice recognition system.
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