Identifying True Vessels Using Krisch Edge Segmentation


  • Nithya KA Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Hindustan college of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, India
  • Rajini A Associate professor, Department of Computer Science, Hindustan college of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, India


Ophthalmology, optimal vessel forest, retinal image analysis, simultaneous vessel identification, vascular structure


Measurements of retinal blood vessel morphology have been shown to be related to the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The wrong identification of vessels may result in a large variation of these measurements, leading to a wrong clinical diagnosis In this paper, address of the problem identifying true vessels as a post processing step to vascular structure segmentation. These model segmented vascular structure as a vessel segment graph and formulate the problem of identifying vessels as one of finding the optimal forest in the graph given a set of constraints.


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How to Cite

Nithya, K., & Rajini, A. (2024). Identifying True Vessels Using Krisch Edge Segmentation. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 3(08), 1053–1058. Retrieved from



Original Research Article