
  • Kumar VS Student, Computer Science and Engineering Dept., Dr. KVSR Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
  • Kumar VT Assoc. Professor, Information Technology Dept., Dr. KVSR Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA


Fully Homomorphic Encryption, homomorphic scheme, Security, Partial Homomorphic Encryption


There is a problem for business organizations to move towards cloud computing regarding the safety and security issues associated with cloud computing. Different technologies have been used to relate these types of issues including various control methods and cryptographic techniques. When the data transmitted to the Cloud we use standard encryption methods to secure the operations and the storage of the data. Fully homomorphic encryption has cloud computing is to perform computations on encrypted data without previous decryption. The first fully homomorphic schemes have been proposed and developed to improve the performance, reduce the complexity and the cost of the scheme. Mainly two important schemes are refreshed and discussed in this paper. The first scheme discoursed in this paper is “Encryption over Integers using fully Homomorphism”. The second one is about “Encryption without Bootstrapping by using fully Homomorphism”. These two are basically concentrated on the security, performance and complexity factors of the mentioned schemes.


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National Institute of Standards and Technology - Computer Security Resource Center -

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How to Cite

Kumar, V. S., & Kumar, V. (2024). SECURING DATA USING FULLY HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION SCHEMES OVER CLOUD COMPUTING. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 3(10), 1157–1160. Retrieved from



Original Research Article