Experimental study of Network based Novel Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Wireless Ad-Hoc Network
Ad hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes which dynamically form a temporary network without any infrastructure or centralize entity. There are number of routing protocol exists in ad hoc network and this protocols have been compared. These protocols are like DSR (Dynamic Source Routing), AODV (Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing Algorithm), and TORA (Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm) like more. AODV is Reactive routing protocol. We modify the existing AODV protocol. All Routing Protocol have different Strategies of routing like End to End delay, Packet delivery ratio, Traffic overhead and Power Consumptions. Routing Deals with route discovery between source and destination. Aim of Dissertation is to improve route error tolerance mechanism of AODV. In our propose scheme the transmission starts from closest neighbor node if the link fail in middle of the transmission. That shows very important reductions in delay and it improves the packet delivery ratio. It also reduces the routing overhead by reducing frequency of route discovery process.
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