Technology Supported Learning Systems for Textbooks in Web Applications


  • Sasikumar D UG Student, Department of CSE, Bharath University, Chennai
  • Ramesh I UG Student, Department of CSE, Bharath University, Chennai
  • Karthikeyan Asst.Professor, Department of CSE, Bharath University, Chennai


learning domain ontology(LDO), Automatic generation of domain module, Technical supported learning system(TSLS), Automatic e-book


In learning application, a system requires appropriate presentation for extracting knowledge from textbooks. Domain module is used for gaining knowledge in authoring techniques. Domain module is user oriented technique to make easy access of knowledge. Semi-automatic domain module reuses the knowledge to determine authorizing process. The comparison of textbook and domain module is used to describe experiment carried out. The domain module is considered the core of any TSLS and it represents the knowledge about a subject matter to be communicated to the learner. DM encodes knowledge at two different levels, the learning domain ontology (LDO) and the set of LOs.


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How to Cite

Sasikumar, D., Ramesh, I., & Karthikeyan, R. (2024). Technology Supported Learning Systems for Textbooks in Web Applications. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 4(04), 1642–1645. Retrieved from



Original Research Article