Agent based public audit for secured cloud storage


  • Pal VK Asst. Prof. Bharath University Chennai-600073
  • Roy R Asst. Prof. Bharath University Chennai-600073
  • MICHAEL G Asst. Prof. Bharath University Chennai-600073


cloud computing, kernel


Operating system kernels typically enforce lowest restrictions on the applications permissible to execute leading to the power of malicious programs to abuse system resources. Malware running as standalone processes will freely execute enjoying the privileges provided to the user account running the method. Main stream software package kernels lack a robust and reliable mechanism for distinctive the running processes and binding them to the corresponding possible applications. Method authentication is completely different from method identification. Our supervisor call instruction observances are often integrated with existing obligatory access management systems to enforce application-level access rights. We tend to address the identification downside by proposing a unique secure application identification model within which user-level applications square measure needed to gift identification proofs at run time to be genuine to the kernel. Our supervisor call instruction observance is often integrated with existing obligatory access management systems to enforce application-level access rights.


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How to Cite

Pal, V. K., Roy, R., & MICHAEL, G. (2024). Agent based public audit for secured cloud storage. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 4(04), 1673–1679. Retrieved from



Original Research Article