
  • MARKS A.DARWIN Department of C.S.E, Bharath University,Chennai – 600 073, INDIA
  • KARTHIKEYAN P Department of C.S.E, Bharath University,Chennai – 600 073, INDIA
  • SIVARAMAN R Assistant Professor, Dept. of C.S.E, Bharath University, Chennai, INDIA


High-bandwidths, peer 2peer, live streaming, optimal broadcast


We study the matter of maximizing the printed rate in peer-to-peer (P2P) systems underneath node degree bounds, i.e., the quantity of neighbors a node will at the same time hook up with is upper-bounded. The matter is important for supporting high-quality video streaming in P2P systems and is difficult because of its combinatorial nature. during this paper, we tend to address this drawback by providing the primary distributed answer that achieves near-optimal broadcast rate underneath capricious node degree bounds and over capricious overlay graph. It runs on individual nodes and utilizes solely the measuring from their one-hop neighbors, creating the answer simple to implement and all-mains to see churn and network dynamics. Our answer consists of 2 distributed algorithmic programs planned during this paper which will be of freelance interests: a network-coding-based broadcasting algorithm that optimizes the printed rate given a topology, and a Markov-chain target-hunting topology hopping algorithmic program that optimizes the topology. Our distributed broadcasting algorithmic program achieves the optimum broadcast rate over capricious P2P topology, whereas antecedently planned distributed algorithms get optimality just for P2P complete graphs. We tend to prove the optimality of our answer and its convergence to a district round the optimal equilibrium underneath strident measurements or while not time-scale separation assumptions. we tend to demonstrate the effectiveness of our answer in simulations victimization transmission information measure statistics of web hosts.


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How to Cite

MARKS, A., KARTHIKEYAN, P., & SIVARAMAN, R. (2024). HIGH-BANDWITH MULTICAST IN COOPERATIVE ENVIRONMENTS. COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 4(04), 1680–1685. Retrieved from https://ijact.in/index.php/j/article/view/296



Original Research Article