A Novel Approach for Web Personalization through Web Mining Techniques
Web Personalization, User Profile, Personalized Search, Ontology, Information Retrieval, Semantic WebAbstract
Data on World Wide Web has been growing in an exponential manner. This raises a severe concern over information over load challenges for the users. Retrieving the most relevant information from the web as per the user requirement has become hard because of the large collection of heterogeneous documents. It is time consuming for the users to go through the long list of odds and ends to choose their relevant one. One approach to overcome this is to personalize the information available on the Web according to user requirements. The information or services provided by a Web to the requirements of individual or cluster of users, by considering their navigational patterns is termed as Web Personalization. The objective of Web Personalization is to provide users with what they really want or need, without having to ask or search for it explicitly. This approach effectively improves the performance of Information Retrieval (IR) systems. This paper presents an extensive survey on the various approaches proposed by the researchers in Web Personalization and challenges with a focus on future work.
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