Reduced Sized Triple frequency Microstrip Antenna with Dual Frequency Tuning Characteristics
Compact, dual frequency tuning, micro strip patch antenna, slot, wireless communication systemAbstract
A compact slot loaded rectangular microstrip patch antenna has been designed which shows triple resonant frequency. The effect of slot on reflection coefficient, resonant frequency tuning and antenna size reduction has been investigated in this paper. It has been shown, how the variation of length of the slot embedded in the patch results in shifting of resonant frequencies. By changing the length of the slot, the lower resonant frequency (f1) of the proposed antenna can be tuned from 4.275 GHz down to 3.75 GHz and the higher resonant frequency (f3) can be tuned from 7.10 GHz down to 6.65 GHz. The ratio of the fixed fundamental frequency (f2) to the tunable lower resonant frequency (f1) can be varied from 1.453 to 1.274. If the ratio of this fixed fundamental frequency (f2) to the tunable higher resonant frequency (f3) is considered, then the ratio can be varied from 1.302 to 1.22 by varying the slot length. A significant size reduction of about 58% is achieved compared to conventional rectangular reference antenna. The simple configuration and low profile nature of the proposed antenna leads to easy fabrication and make it suitable for the applications in wireless communication system.
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