Methodological approach for extraction of characteristics of biological signals
Histogram, frequency polygon, biological signals, signals treatment, class mark, characteristics of biological signalsAbstract
Generally, signal processing is applied to a set of data that is derived from the sampling of an acquired signal. This treatment is carried out with the help of a computer that in turn executes a series of logical and mathematical operations. The treatment of signals is linked to other techniques and scientific disciplines. Some of the applications of the signal treatments may be in the form of processing of audio signals, treatment of digital images, digital communications and biological signals. In this case, the treatment was applied to biological signals such as ECG (Electrocardiogram signal: electrical activity of the heart), EEG (Electroencephalography signal: electrical activity of the brain recorded on the scalp), EMG (Electrocardiogram signal: electrical activity of muscle), and a dynamic prototype. This work shows a method for the extraction of characteristics of biological signals. The proposed method is based on statistical parameters. First, a histogram was obtained for each biological signal. After the information obtained from the histogram, the frequency polygon of each biological signal was calculated. This process was performed with the brand class brand, including the lower and upper ranges of each class of biological signals (ECG, EEG, EMG and a dynamic prototype).
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