Dynamic budget-threshold based resource reservation technique
Deadlock, Deadlock handling, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Resource allocation, Banker‟s Algorithm, Resource managementAbstract
The effective utilization of the resources is recognized as essential tool not only for the cost effectiveness of the system but also for the environment. Sharing of the resources improves its utilization but also creates contention among the processes using it. This contention may lead to frequent deadlocks. Many deadlock avoidance techniques exist for avoiding the deadlock while sharing the resources. However, all these technique suffer from two major limitations: 1) they assume that the resource requirement for each process is known in advance; 2) overhead for decision making for resource granting to ensure that any future deadlock must be avoided. This paper proposes a Dynamic Budget for Threshold based Resource Reservation Technique for Deadlock Avoidance (DB-TRA) which extends the existing Threshold based Resource Reservation Technique for Deadlock Avoidance (TRA) [24] technique. The existing TRA address the second limitation of excessive overhead for resource granting by forward calculation to avoid deadlock. However, this TRA technique also suffers from the first limitation and assumes that the resource requirement of each process is known in advance. The proposed DB-TRA technique address this limitation of the deadlock avoidance techniques by proposing a dynamic budget which eliminates the need of prior knowledge of the resource requirement of any process, the budget is adjusted dynamically to cater the need of the process. The proposed technique uses the resource reservation as suggested in TRA for minimizing the overhead in granting of the requested resources. The simulation result shows that the proposed DB-TRA technique performs better than existing deadlock avoidance technique.
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