A new rich lexical resource for classical Arabic
Information Extraction, Arabic Lexicon, Al Qamus Al Muhit, Machine-readable dictionary, Arabic Lexical ResourceAbstract
Currently, large lexical resources are getting a high potential relevance for information systems and need of Lexical resources in Natural Language Processing (NLP) fields is paramount. To contribute meet these needs, we build a lexical resource from the famous dictionary al=qāmūs al=muḥīṭ (AQAM). Using a rule based approach, we have designed a system that allows extracting morpho-syntactical, semantics and lexical information from the famous dictionary. So, we obtained a digitized and structured version of AQAM, enriched by morpho-syntactical and lexical explicit information. In addition, the obtained resource is enriched by English translations of lemma and accompanying senses using a bilingual English-Arabic dictionary. Then we present an overview of an experiment alignment of the section of the letter bā‟ on Princeton‟s WordNet (PWN) and Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO). This experience turned out to be interesting because it revealed that mapping an Arabic lexical resource on an English resource shows commonality between the two languages, but it allows especially to emphasize the non-equivalences between them. All obtained resources are represented in XML format and distributed under free license.
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