QB – (Quick Buy) – Convenient Modern Shopping System Based on RFID Technology with Indoor Maps
RFID Tags, Automated Shopping Cart, Mobile Shopping List Application, Indoor NavigationAbstract
Today in the fast moving and evolving lives of people they have less and less time to spend on their day to day activities. When it comes to shopping in a supermarket or retail store people have to face many issues. As an example customers get delayed at the cashier, have trouble finding the exact location of the product they need as they are not aware of where the goods are placed within the shops, miss or forget the goods they need to buy. This research explores the extent to which shopping could be simplified and automated within super markets and retail stores. The “QB” system focuses on providing a solution to all the above mentioned problems by using a Mobile Shopping List Application to maintain a list of what to buy so that the customer will not forget once they are at the super market. This Mobile Application will show the customer the internal map of the Super market or retail store and navigate the customer to the relevant product which is in their list. An automated billing system is implemented to the shopping cart using RFID Tags so that the bill will be auto calculated at the time when the customer adds products to the cart so that they will not have to waste time standing in long queues at the cashier.
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