Challenges in Mobile Application Testing: Sri Lankan Perspective
Mobile application testing, Mobile devices, Mobile application, Sri Lankan software development industry, Sri Lankan PerspectiveAbstract
Today in the software industry, software application development is a major area which is developing rapidly. Also most of the software is developing as mobile application because due to the busy life style, most of the people in the world prefer to use easy methods to do their day-today work. The application testing for mobile device is an emerging research area that most commonly faces challenges. Varieties of mobile devices need to test the application; unique features of mobile devices, limited bandwidth, and unreliability of wireless networks are most common issues faces by the mobile application testing. Also the traditional guidelines and methods used in methodologies which are used to test desktop applications may not be applicable to a mobile environment. The contribution of this research paper is to identify the issues that are faces when testing software applications for mobile devices in Sri Lankan software development industry through the interviews, questionnaire from the industry people and analysing of the gathered data. The paper includes an overview of existing problems in mobile application testing and major research questions that have been investigated. So this research paper will helpful for the upcoming mobile application developers and further researches about mobile application testing.
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