Comparitative Analysis Of Deec, Eddeec & Tdeec Heterogeneous Wsns
WSNs, DEEC, EDDEEC, TDEEC, super nodes, T-absoluteAbstract
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have many sensor nodes having restricted battery power, which transmit sensed data to the Base Station that needs high energy consumption. Numerous routing protocols have been proposed in this regard getting energy efficiency in heterogeneous situations. Though, each protocol is inappropriate for heterogeneous WSNs. Efficiency of WSNs declines as varying the heterogeneity of sensor nodes. This paper has evaluated the performance of various Distributed Energy- Efficient Clustering based protocols like DEEC, EDDEEC and TDEEC under numerous scenarios; comprising various level of heterogeneity. MATLAB tool is used for experimental purpose. The comparison has shown that the EDDEEC has very effective results over other DEEC variants due to its special feature of T-absolute i.e. it treats all heterogeneous sensor nodes with same election probability when each node has lesser energy than T-absolute.
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