A Fundamental Implementations and Working Principles of Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks, Routing Protocols, Challenges, Designing issues of WSNAbstract
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of Sensors, which are low cost small devices with limited storage, computational capability and power. They can provide low cost solution to verity of real-world problems. They are outfitted with various sensing devices and small non rechargeable batteries. Usually, these sensors are engineered that suddenly active to gather the required data for some times when something is detected, and then remaining largely inactive for long periods of time. Here the study on sensor’s structure, its architecture, its applications and their challenges were pursued. The study on various routing protocols for sensor networks and classification for the various approaches were also pursued. The major classifications of routing protocol reviewed are network structure, path establishment, protocol operation and initiator of communication. Each of the routing schemes and algorithms has the common goal of trying to get better throughput and to increase the lifetime and efficiency of the sensor network. Thus, this work has significant importance, to study and considering while designing a Wireless Sensor Routing protocol.
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