Performance Observation of Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols with Increasing the Connections
AODV, DSDV, MANET, SANET, and Ns-2Abstract
Mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET) is type of wireless network in which group of mobile nodes cooperate to forward the data packets to their neighbours without using centralized authority or any physical medium like cables or base station. It is fully wireless network. The MANET follows the different type of routing protocols, which can be categories mainly into two forms are reactive routing protocol and proactive routing protocols. In this paper, we have taken two different routing protocols one is reactive (AODV) and another one is proactive (DSDV). Performance evaluated of these on the basis of different matrices such as Throughput, Normalized routing load and packet delivery ratio. The simulation has been successful done on network simulator-2 and awk script is used for calculation the value different parameters.
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