AJAX: Coming to an application near you
Asynchronous, AJAX( Asynchronus Javascript And XML), XML (Extensible Markup Language), javascript., XMLHttpRequest(Extensible Markup Language Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), ASP.net(Active Server Page. Network)Abstract
Today’s rich Web applications use a mix of Java Script and asynchronous communication with the application server. This mechanism is also known as Ajax: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The intent of Ajax is to exchange small pieces of data between the browser and the application server, and in doing so, use partial page refresh instead of reloading the entire Web page.
In recent years, information system based on browse/server architecture (namely B/S architecture) received more favor by enterprises. Ajax technology consists of five parts. They are HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), JavaScript, DHTML (Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language), DOM (Document Object Model) and XML (Extensible Markup Language). With the help of cooperation and collaboration of these technologies, they can optimize the conventional enterprise information system by using an asynchronous way. Meanwhile, a quickly-responded and smoother user interface was provided. Enterprise information system with Ajax can be operated in a more efficient way, which means even use the current hardware, it can provide more load capacity, be more stable and serve more clients in parallel. In this paper: we present two kinds of information system models, one use conventional B/S architecture and the other use Ajax enhanced B/S architecture.
AJAX by Nicholas C. Zakas, Jcremy Mcpeak, Joe Fawcett
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