Emerging technologies and trends in cloud computing
Fog Computing, Edge Computing, Multi-access Edge Computing Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Mobile Edge Computing and CloudletAbstract
With invent of IoT technologies, it is easier to connect people residing at geographically distant locations for information exchange. The ease in sharing of data across global boundaries has led to increased mooring of traffic for extracting services that are IT based. This has presented challenges before providers of these services to cope up with user expectations. Therefore, with emergence of cloud in the market, the models of fog and edge computing necessitates delivery of solutions that can cater heterogeneous user needs without constraints of latency and time-sensitive ser-vice delivery. It becomes imperative in such a scenario to offer viable solutions in the direction of provisioning security mechanisms to put a constraint on unauthorized user access to such services. Hence, technologies like multi-access edge computing (MEC) and cloudlet plays a vital role in comprehending security critical solutions. Therefore, the focus of this paper has been directed to discuss such emerging technologies pertaining to implementations in cloud that are capable of increasing confidence of user in distributed paradigm.
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