Development of prototype e nose for detection of adulterants in raw milk
Electronic nose (E-nose), Graphical user interface (GUI), Internet of thing( IoT), Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), Internet protocol(IP)Abstract
This paper deals with the development of the prototype model of “Electronics nose” hereafter E-nose, for the detection of adulterant in raw and pasteurized milk. As it is well known that nutrients food improves health, whereas adulterated food deteriorates health, people have become more concerned about the food adulteration and spoilage of food. In the present situation, most of the foods are adulterated for economic benefit. This causes health issue results in severe diseases such as indigestion, acidity, ulcers, cancers, malfunctions of kidney and liver, etc. To overcome these problems, novel methods for the detection of adulteration of food and milk have become important. The role of the Internet of Thing (IoT) in this context is also included in this paper for easy detection of milk adulteration. The method is explained along with the experimental investigation using certain samples of raw and pasteurized milk. The result indicates the effectiveness of the method in classifying the adulterated milk samples. The detection of adulteration estimated by this work has been reported better than the other previous reports.
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