WSN;, energy, target tracking, sleep scheduling, duty cycling, Castalia, SPANAbstract
One of the most important applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is surveillance system, which is used to track moving targets. WSN is composed of a large number of low cost sensors which operate on the power derived from batteries. Energy efficiency is an important issue in WSN, which determines the network lifetime. Due to the need for continuous monitoring with 100% efficiency, keeping all the sensor nodes active permanently leads to fast draining of batteries. Hence there is a need to design a tracking system which conserves energy without affecting its ability to track accurately. In our paper, we present energy efficient tracking system which keeps sensor nodes in sleep mode and awakens only those nodes which lie on the path of target. By allowing the nodes to be in sleep mode for maximum amount of time, this algorithm saves lot of energy. This is proved by simulating our system using OMNeT++ simulator and Castalia framework.
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