Proposed Multi-Mode Home Node-B Air Interface Protocol Stack Architecture
Home NodeB, Multi-mode Home NodeB, Third Generation Partnership Project, Close Subscriber GroupAbstract
A Multi-mode Home NodeB (MHNB) system is a system that can offer cellular service(s) to more than one different generation technology. The Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) technology using NodeB as its transceiver station was developed to offer a high frequency range of 5MHz and because of this, the signal from the NodeB dilutes faster once reaching indoor. Studies showed that the idea of Home NodeB system by Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) came as a means to boost the diluted indoor signals. The challenge with this system is that it can only accommodate small number of subscribers as its Close Subscriber Group (CSG) without allowance for expansion. This study seeks to address the small capacity issue of the existing HNB by proposing a system that will accommodate wider capacity range and also, modify its operation from a single network mode to a Multi network mode technology. This will also offer great benefit to developing countries through extension of their GSM coverage and will also create a uniform platform for all cellular generation technologies.
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