Detection and decoding of ask signals using an SDR receiver
On-Off Keying, RTL-SDR, MCU, MATLAB, C program, PythonAbstract
On-Off Keying (OOK) is one of the most basic form of communication widely used today. The objective of this paper is to receive, detect and decode an OOK signal in the radio spectrum. For the reception of the radio signal, an SDR receiver is used. This device receives the RF signal and down-converts it to a frequency usable by an inbuilt ADC. The ADC outputs I/Q samples which are then forwarded to a computer via the USB port. By processing the received signal, it is determined whether or not, the received signal is an OOK signal and if it is, then it is further processed and decoded. There are two units in the setup: transmitter and the receiver. The transmitting side consists of an MCU connected to a transmitting circuit. The MCU outputs the digital information to be transmitted. On the receiver side are a computer and an SDR receiver. The receiver used here is a RTLSDR. The major part of this paper is the signal processing at the receiver end. The processing is done in the computer in C language. The samples from the RTL-SDR are forwarded to a C program. Various algorithms are then implemented in the program for detection and decoding.
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